Assignment #1

Jan 6, 2012 at 6:29 PM by Jayme Johnson

Post your answers assignment #1 here. Click the "REPLY" button to post your answers.

The questions are:
1. Find one interesting fact or detail to share.
2. What is one question (or more) that you have after reading?
3. What is one issue, related to water deficits, that you would like to learn more about on a LOCAL level?
4. What is one issue, related to water deficits, that you would like to learn more about on a GLOBAL level?
5. What ideas, problems, worries, solutions come to your mind as you read these pages?

This post was edited on: 2012-01-17 at 12:38 PM by: Jaymej (Moderator)

40 Replies

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:22 PM

1. You can check for toilet tank leaks by adding any kind of food coloring to the tank. If the toilet is leaking, the color will appear within 30 minutes. You should flush as soon as the test is done, since the food coloring may stain the tank.
2. Can we make a law so people can't waste water?
3. I wan't to learn more about water leaks. Since water leaks can waste water.
4. I wan't to learn how to dig a well for people who have to walk a long ways to get water. Wells can also keep out dirty water.
5. Many people are dying because of sicknesses of drinking dirty water.

This post was edited on: 2012-01-31 at 12:29 PM by: iriegler13

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:28 PM

life straws clean and filter dirty water as you drink it. Why do just women get the water? Everybody in the community should get an equal amount of water. Life straws, dirty water, and how to help people. Life straws should be given to everybody, wells should be put in the middle of the town so people do not have to walk so far, wells should have clean water not dirty cool water. [quote]

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:29 PM

1. Unfortunately, 1.1 billion people live without clean drinking water today.
2. How can we cost-effectively change this problem efficiently?
3. Where does our water come from and can we develop this source?
4. How can we get enough donations to fund such organizations as Lifestraw.
5. Will the world run out of water eventually?

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:30 PM

1. An interesting piece of information I found was that you could check if you have a toilet leak by adding food coloring to the tank.

2. It says to fill the bath tub 1/3 of the way and add hot water to make the cold water warmer but you're still using the same amount of water.

3. One water issue that I would like to learn more about locally is to check if there is a leak in my house.

4. One water issue that I would like to learn more about globally is how many gallons of water are in the world today and how many do people predict in 500 years.

5. One worry I think think I can solve is to not use as much sink water.

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:30 PM

1.About every 19 SECONDS, a mother loses her child due to a water related disease

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:31 PM

1. If your faucet is dripping one drop per second you waste about 2,700 gallons per year.

2. Why should people avoid flushing items such as tissue, insects and other things down the drain?

3. Why do storms and other natural disasters lower our water supply?

4. Why do so many people waste water?

5. I think that if people work on decreasing their use of water such as shower times, and leaking faucets we can save more water!

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:32 PM

1. The interesting fact I learned today was a a lot of children drank dirty and caused a lot of deaths.

2. How come where they live has dirty water?

3. I want to learn if tap water is clean or dirty.

4. How do people live with dirty water

5. I am worried that the people that drink dirty water will be very ill and might die. I am very worried about that and we might not have that many people in Africa

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:33 PM

1. I didn't know that South Louisiana had many floods, but it makes sense now that I think about it.

2. Why do people do these things if they know it's terrible for the environment?

3. Is the Pacific Palisades in trouble?

4. Why is the water in Africa so much dirtier than it is here?

5. If we keep this up, there will be no more water! Then we will die, then the animals will die, then the plants and trees will die and the world will be inhabited forever more!

Benjamin Hanning

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:34 PM

South Loiusiana would not exist without water

In the video they were against levee systems but they ended up helping? So why preach against it?

How people dont have sinks and have to walk a long
distance for water

why dont people just give the Africans water plants?

I fear that we will run out of water and die

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:35 PM

1. One interesting fact I learned is that people changed the mississippi river.

2. Why is so much water running out?

3. Some people have no water.

4. Louisiana's coast is disappearing.

5. That we need to find and get more water. We also need to use and waste less water at home. Just a little fix in our lifestyle can change so much.

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:37 PM

1.That a child dies every 20 seconds from water related disease

2.How do people live with having to drink dirty water?

3.i want to learn how to protect wildlife in our oceans from polloution.

4.I woud like to learn about whats going on with dirty water in Africa and how to solve the problem.

5. I am worried that more women men and children will die from drinking unsanitary water.

This post was edited on: 2012-01-31 at 12:40 PM by: ngoldberg13

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:39 PM

1. There was a big flood that distorted everything
2. I want to learn how many gallons of water is wasted in a 2 min shower
3. How much water you waste if you have a leak
4. How much water is wasted when you throw away water
5. Not to use so much water and save it!

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:39 PM

1. Your showers should only take about 5 minutes and don't leave the water on while you brush your teeth.

2. How much water is wasted throughout a whole month if everyone in your family takes 5 minute showers?

3. How much water it wastes to fill up a pool?

4. How much water is wasted when rain falls throughout a whole day.

5. I think people should make a law that you can't take more than 15 minute showers. Re-fill your water bottle. Will this cause and affect on us not having enough water in the future? People need to start organizations. People need to become aware that people can die and suffer if we don't SAVE UP OUR WATER!!!!!!

This post was edited on: 2012-01-31 at 12:43 PM by: lthomas13

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:41 PM

1.About every 19 SECONDS, a mother loses her child due to a water-related disease
2. What can we do to help that will make the biggest impact?
3. How much water do people waste during a shower?
4. How can we decrease the water-related deaths?
5. How about people start more orginazations?
How about people become more aware about the crisis by ads, TV, etc.?
It is soo sad that people die from it so much
Does this effect the U.S. economy?
Will this affect a being better world?
More people need to become aware.!!!!
Maybe wealthy people start orginazations?!

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:41 PM

2. Because it wastes a bunch of water when you can just throw it in the trash. It probably wastes 4 cups of water.

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:41 PM

1. One interesting fact that I would like to share is that hurricane Katrina and Mrs. Louisiana were recorded the biggest hurricanes in Louisiana.

2. One quotation I have after reading is how many people died in the hurricanes.

3. One local issue I would like to know more about is Heal the Bay. I would like to know what they do there and some issues that are happening there.

4.One global issue I would like to know about is all the hurricanes that happen in Louisiana and what causes them to happen. I heard that Louisiana is also sea level.

5. That many people in Africa have to carry 40 pounds of water on their backs and It isn't even clean. Another idea for Louisiana is to build a wall so the water can't come anymore. I would like to help with them.

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:42 PM

2. Because it will waist the water

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:45 PM

1. If a facet is dripping water every second, you waste about 2,700 every year.

2. While doing the dishes, why is it better to put the water in a bowl?

3. I would like to learn more about ways that people can stop polluting our ocean.

4. I want to learn more about how the world can start making more wells to provide clean water.

5. I worry that people take really long showers which really makes wastes our water.

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:45 PM

1. Women have to carrie 40 pounds of water on there backs.
2. Why dont the men go get the water?
3. How much water does a person use in a shower
4. I want to know more about the water they take from a river or lake
5. I am worried that the world will only have dirty water one day.

Jan 31, 2012 at 12:45 PM

1. Today after 1 hour 180 children pass away from the unsanitized water and 2 years ago 240 children passed away.

2. How can we clean the unsanitized water?


4. I want to learn how to help clean dirty water.

This post was edited on: 2012-02-07 at 12:45 PM by: zwoolf13

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:10 PM

1. You can save water by taking shorter showers.
2. how do you insulate water pipes.
3. I would like to find out more about the local water fountains.
4.Dripping faucets can waste 2700 gallons a year.
5.The worries of clean water and the waste of water come to mind while reading these pages.

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:10 PM

1.If your faucet drips one drip per second it will add up to 2,700 gallons per year.
2.Where does all the water come from?
3.How many people have leaks in my community?
4.How can we get water to people who don’t have any for a low amount of money?
5. What if the whole world runs out of water?
Jake Grode

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:10 PM

1. If your faucet drips 1 drop per second you will waste 2,700 gallons of water a year.

2. If you store water in the refrigerator you would be wasting plastic because of the bottles wouldn’t you?

3. I live right next to the beach but you can’t drink salt water and there are no lakes around so where does my community get the water.

4. When water floods around the world, doesn’t it waste water for people to drink?

5. What if water in lakes and fresh water resources are polluted and they keep us from getting water?

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:10 PM

1. An average American uses between 80-100 gallons of water a day.
2. What do people do with that much water?
3. Some people use to much water a day and waste it.
4. Africa does not enough water to supply every one and America has more water than we need.
5. Help other people use less water, Supply Africa with wells, and preserve more water for the future.

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:10 PM

1. Find one interesting fact or detail to share.

90% of the 30,000 deaths that occur every week from unsafe water and unhygienic living conditions are of children under five years old

2. What is one question (or more) that you have after reading?

How do people get clean water?

3. What is one issue, related to water deficits, that you would like to learn more about on a LOCAL level?

How do wells help people get clean water?

4. What is one issue, related to water deficits, that you would like to learn more about on a GLOBAL level?
How does there water get dirty and how does our water get clean

5. What ideas, problems, worries, solutions come to your mind as you read these pages?

Worries: How will people survive if they have no water and how can people have
children if there children cant eat either

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:12 PM

1. Find one interesting fact or detail to share.
2. What is one question (or more) that you have after reading?
3. What is one issue, related to water deficits, that you would like to learn more about on a LOCAL level?
4. What is one issue, related to water deficits, that you would like to learn more about on a GLOBAL level?
5. What ideas, problems, worries, solutions come to your mind as you read these pages?

1. The LifeStraw is very helpful because it takes contaminated water, and makes the water into pure water.
2. How will Africa change because of the LifeStraw?
3. The water in the oceans, because of the animals, and what they’re eating and all the plastic in the water.
4. The people all around the world that have contaminated water that they have to drink to survive.
5. Let me count the ways, we need more people who will help in Africa, and how will the economy change.

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:12 PM

the average American uses between 80-100 gallons(approx.300-375 liters) of water a day
how can a person use that much water in a day?
people using more water than they need
Africa doesn’t have enough water to supply everyone and America has more than enough
we could provide Africa with water, help other people to use less water, preserve more water for the future

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:12 PM

Assignment #1 Questions
#1. A strong rain can water you’re lawn for up to two weeks.
#2. Is there more than 49 ways to save water.
#3. I want to learn more ways to stop the people of Pacific Palisades to use less water.
#4. How many gallons of water do we use a year.
#5. If we keep this cycle of using to much water on a daily bases what will happen to us?

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:12 PM

The LIfeStraw is a straw that filters water while you drink it.
How is the LifeStraw made?
How many families will the LifeStraw save? (if we need it in the Palisades)
How many people (or the world percent) will the LifeStraw save?
What would happen if the LifeStraw doesn’t filter correctly?
Can it filter ocean water?

This post was edited on: 2012-02-06 at 02:15 PM by: bbookstaver13

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:14 PM

1. Women and children can only carry 1-3 gallons of water which weighs 8-25 pounds, they have to do it several times a day.

2. What is the amount of people that die each year from water shortages?

3. I would like to know if people die of water shortages in the Pacific Palisades.

4. I would like to know if there are wells in the poor villages.

5. I am very worried about the people who don’t have fresh water and a solution is donating money or building wells for the poor villages.


Feb 6, 2012 at 2:14 PM

1.Women and children can only carry 1-3 gallons of water which weighs 8-25 pound, they will have to do that 3 times a day
2.What is the amount of people that die each year because of water shortage
3.I would like to know if people die due to water shortages in the Pacific Palisades
4.I would like to know if there are wells in the poor villages
5.I am worried about the people who don’t have enough fresh water. I think a solution to this could be donated money to build wells so more people can have more fresh water so not as much people will die due to not enough water


Feb 6, 2012 at 2:14 PM

1. With more wells in villages the Woman and Children who would normally go to collect water for several hours a day have more time to do things like sow and make things to sell and make money for the family and more kids will be able to go to school.

2. I was just wondering about how why take act now why not start earlier ?

3. How the water around us is being polluted more and more everyday how does it effect the local community.

4. How are the countries around the world being effected by the oceans pollution ?

5. I do think the wells are a great idea but what about food, Medical needs what should we do next?

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:15 PM

1. People use about 80 to 100 gallons of water per day.
2. What is the dead zone?
3. How does Pacific Palisades get clean water and Africa does not?
4. How can we help Africa get clean non polluted water.
5. What Africa has to drink and what will happen if they never get clean water how can we help?

This post was edited on: 2012-02-06 at 02:16 PM by: abutton13

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:16 PM

1. That if the town or community needs water they send the women and children to go and get it and they have to face trecherous and steep hills.

2. Who installs the water wells and where does the water come from?

3. What kids of sicknesses and diseases can their community catch.

4. How can the world help save water and clean water.

5. A problem and worry to me and something that I really pay attention to is the number of people and children that die due to water deficits.

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:16 PM

Save Water 49 Ways: Saving tips
Assignment #1 Answers
A heavy rain can water your lawn for as long as two weeks
Is there more than 49 ways to save water?
How we (people of Santa Monica) use and waste so much water in Santa Monica community?
How many gallons of water we waste a year?
If we use to much water on a daily bases what will happen to our community?



Feb 6, 2012 at 2:18 PM

1. You can save water by taking shorter showers.
2. How do you insulate water pipes.
3. I would like to find out more about the local water fountains
4. Dripping faucets can waste 2700 gallons a year
5. The worrie we thought was clean water

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:18 PM

1.Women carry 1-3 gallons of water which weighs 8-25 pounds.
2. Why do people not have wells near them?
3. I want to know how people in Los Angeles could live without sanitized water.
4.I want to know how people can help the poor countries find clean
5.While I was reading I was worried about all the poor children who would be next to die without water.

Feb 6, 2012 at 2:19 PM


Answer the following questions:
1. Find one interesting fact or detail to share.
2. What is one question (or more) that you have after reading?
3. What is one issue, related to water deficits, that you would like to learn more about on a LOCAL level?
4. What is one issue, related to water deficits, that you would like to learn more about on a GLOBAL level?
5. What ideas, problems, worries, solutions come to your mind as you read these pages?

1. Women carry 1-3 gallons of water which weighs 8-25 pounds.
2. Why do people not have wells near them?
3. I want to know how people in Los Angeles could live without sanitised water.
4. I want to learn how people can help the poorer countries find clean water.
5. My ideas are that everyone can work together to build wells where there are not. The problems I think are happening are that people are dying because they’re are drinking unhealthy water. So far I have no solutions.

Feb 7, 2012 at 12:39 PM

1. An interesting fact I learned was the water that comes from an aquifer is really clean.

2. It says don't over fertilize your plants. What would happen if you did and what does that have to do with water?

3. I would like to learn about how we can preserve our ocean, and our other California water sources.

4. I read a fact that said"3x more people are lacking in water then live in the U.S.". I would love to learn about how we can change that.

5. A worry that I have is that people use water unnecessarily, and know that they are wasting it and don't care.

Feb 7, 2012 at 12:45 PM

1. Hurricane Catrina killed a destroed a lot of things
2. Why didn't the company build a better danm
3. where does the water come fresh water come from in the U.S
4. Why don't other country have so much water
5. Many people are dying because they don't drink clean water,.