Introduction to Topic: Water Deficits

START DATE:Jan 6, 2012DUE DATE:Jan 31, 2012STATUS:Open


Reading excerpts from High Noon and exploring websites related to water deficits


Read the attached file containing pages from the book relating to water deficits. Answer the following questions: 1. Find one interesting fact or detail to share. 2. What is one question (or more) that you have after reading? 3. What is one issue, related to water deficits, that you would like to learn more about on a LOCAL level? 4. What is one issue, related to water deficits, that you would like to learn more about on a GLOBAL level? 5. What ideas, problems, worries, solutions come to your mind as you read these pages?

Learning Objectives

Familiarize students with the topic of water deficits.

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